The Truth About Seed Oils

The Truth About Seed Oils | Is Canola Oil Actually Inflammatory?

The health and fitness influencers have had a hay day making people scared of seed oils, especially canola oil. They say that these oils are inflammatory, bad for your heart, and are essentially the same thing as motor oil. But is any of this true? Should you stop eating seed oils?

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Are Seed Oils Toxic? Dietitian Debunks Claims of Health Risk

The internet has a tendency to choose a certain food or ingredient and demonize the crap out of it for a while. Recently, the food of choice has been seed oils. You’ve likely seen social media posts telling you (usually in the form of unnecessary yelling or scolding) that you should avoid these “industrial oils” at all costs because they are inflammatory, full of GMOs, and ultra processed. But how true are these scary claims?


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