The Nutrition Reboot Membership

The intuitive eating club for ex-dieters who are finally ready to eat without guilt.

If ditching the diets feels scary, this anti-diet gang has got your back!

Dieting provides structure, goals, and a sense of community, making it feel like the safe solution. Maybe you’ve tried breaking up with diet culture before and just ended up feeling lost and confused. You’re so not alone!

The Nutrition Reboot Membership provides you with that structure, guidance, and support for a fail-proof journey to making peace with food.

The Nutrition Reboot Membership is for you if…

  • You feel like you are out of control around food and don’t know how to stop.

  • You can’t help but feel guilty after eating “bad” foods.

  • You have stopped dieting and now feel “stuck” and unsure of the next steps to take.

  • You want to improve your health without dieting and restricting.

  • You are looking for a community to share your wins and get support with your struggles.

Here’s what past members have to say:

  • "My husband brought home a cake this morning to "celebrate the weekend." The old me would have been angry because of the temptation and it ruining my plans. But I'm trying to follow the "gentle nutrition" path. So yes, I ate a slice of cake for breakfast. And no, I didn't feel guilty about it!"

  • "Thank you, Hannah, for the wealth of knowledge you share (and I love that you don't shy away from the science behind some stuff). And thank you fellow members for your camaraderie and support on this journey!"

  • "You know you are getting in synch with your body when you are craving for salad 2 days in a row!"

  • "Thanks to Hannah and this group, I don't punish myself for not having a "healthy" meal, but I also learned that if I add some fiber/carb with my snack I feel even better and my hunger is more balanced."

Join our live trainings and workshops

Each month there is at least one dietitian-lead live training or workshop (along with frequent coaching calls and Q&As) where we will deep-dive into a topic that is voted on by members. There trainings are all about you, after all!

Popular past trainings have included:

  • Weight Science Without the Stigma

  • The Pros of Processed Foods

  • Macronutrient Masterclass

  • Meal Planning Workshop

  • How to Handle the Dieters in Your Life

Become a member today and get instant access to the training and workshop library and start learning from 30+ hours of diet ditching content.

Next live training: May 20 at 10 am ET - Topic TBD (voted on by members)

This is your food freedom one-stop shop

The Nutrition Reboot Membership has everything you need to take back control and kick diet culture to the curb.

  • Live Trainings and Workshops

    Always be learning! Live trainings will cover various topics including holiday eating, improving body image, learning the steps of intuitive eating, and more!

  • Exclusive Sound Bites

    Kinda like podcasts, but they are just for you! New Sound Bites will be added weekly and all live trainings are shared as audio-only content, too, so you can learn on the go.

  • Community

    You will have access to a private Facebook group for community, accountability, support, and live check-ins and Q&As.

  • Recipes

    Access to tons of dietitian-created recipes to help you with your meal planning and preparation.

  • Resource Vault

    Find everything you need in the vault that is categorized by topic. Need support with hunger and fullness? We got you! Body image struggles? We’ve got materials on that, too.

Once you join the membership, you will get instant access to all of the materials, content libraries, and recipes. All for just $30/month! Sign up for an annual membership and get 2 months completely free!

The Nutrition Reboot Membership
Every month
Every year

✓ Access to private Facebook group
✓ Live trainings and workshops (with replays available)
✓ Exclusive Sound Bites (aka private podcasts)
✓ New non-diet-y recipes weekly
✓ Nutrition handouts, ebooks, and more!

Are you ready to take your life back?

A note from Hannah, your non-diet dietitian

I wasn’t always an intuitive eater…

I tried all the fad diets in an effort to shrink my body. I did endless hours of cardio to burn as many calories as I could. This lead to me having zero energy, hating my body for not “cooperating” (spoiler alert: it was protecting me from a self-inflicted famine), and wondering why I couldn’t be “disciplined” enough. I probably don’t have to tell you that this was the opposite of fun.

I found intuitive eating and finally learned that the chronic dieting and restricting was worse for my health than eating some pizza or cake when I want it. Now, I have made peace with food, I support my body by nourishing it (not starving it), and I have found the joy in exercise. And I am so honored to have the opportunity to help you do the same.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • TNR Membership is an exclusive society for those who are sick and tired of dieting and are ready to learn about intuitive eating with the support of a non-diet dietitian and other ex-dieters.

  • So glad you asked! Once you become a member, you will get instant access to hours and hours of video trainings, audio recordings (aka private podcasts), recipes, and a resource vault with handouts, ebooks, and worksheets. You will also get access to a private Facebook group with other members where you can ask questions, share your struggles, and celebrate your wins.

    I also host monthly challenges and go live for coaching calls, trainings, and workshops. Members also get discounts on 1:1 nutrition coaching if you are interested in even more support and guidance.

  • Intuitive eating is an anti-diet (also referred to as non-diet) approach to eating that was developed in 1995 by two registered dietitians, Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch. Intuitive eating is not a diet. I like to call it a practice or a journey. It is not a set of rules that you must follow and it’s also important to note that you cannot do intuitive eating “wrong”. What a relief, right?

    Inside TNR Membership you will learn about the 10 principles of intuitive eating and how to implement them in real life.

  • The Nutrition Reboot Membership is a weight-neutral community. This means that we do not focus on the number on the scale, but rather we focus on non-scale victories. As you become an intuitive eater, you may gain weight, lose weight, or maintain your weight. We will be working towards allowing your body to settle at it’s set point weight (the weight it feels best and can maintain without taking drastic measures). This can be scary, I know! But we can work together on improving your health regardless of the number on the scale.

  • Of course! If you have internet, you can join the party. All live sessions will be recorded so you can listen back if you are unable to join us live.

  • The Nutrition Reboot Membership community is hosted as a private Facebook group, so I do recommend having a Facebook account, even if just for the membership. If you don’t wish to create an account, you will still have access to all of the content, as it is shared on the membership site.

  • You can cancel your subscription at any time without any cancellation fees. Purchases are non-refundable.

  • This membership is not a replacement for eating disorder treatment. Please reach out to a healthcare professional if you need support in this area.

    If you are pregnant and/or breastfeeding, you can absolutely join the membership. However, specific pre/postnatal content will not be created on a regular basis.

  • Shoot me an email at and let’s get some A’s for those Q’s!

The Nutrition Reboot Membership
Every month
Every year

✓ Access to private Facebook group
✓ Live trainings and workshops (with replays available)
✓ Exclusive Sound Bites (aka private podcasts)
✓ New non-diet-y recipes weekly
✓ Nutrition handouts, ebooks, and more!

Choose the plan that feels right for YOU